The Amulet was a two phase arts project based in Ireland, exploring the idea of the amulet as an object signifier of pregnancy and infant loss. This ground breaking national project, the first of its kind in the country, has pioneered new methods of collaborative practice in Ireland.
The initial research phase spanned two years and resulted in Marie Brett producing a book of photographs with critical texts, poems, factual stories and transcribed interviews from numerous sources (2009-2011).
The second phase spanned one and a half years and resulted in the production and exhibition of a series of audio-visual artworks with an accompanying published book, national seminar, public discussion event, documentary video and a radio programme (2011-2013).
The Amulet has been informed and influenced by collaboration with bereaved parents, Cork University Maternity Hospital, University Maternity Hospital Limerick, Waterford Regional Hospital, Waterford Healing Arts Trust and Ballyphehane/Togher Art + Craft Initiative.
The work has been funded by the Arts Council | Create | The HSE Cork Arts+ Health Programme | Cork University Hospital | Cork University Maternity Hospital | Waterford Healing Arts Trust Centre for Arts & Health. The work has also been additionally supported by several specialist advisors and numerous arts, health, educational and community development organisations.